My Journey with Jim Morrison
Chapter 3
Not Like Anyone Else
Like me, you’ve probably heard it said that the great ones aren’t like anyone else. And probably like me, when it comes to creative artists of all types, you have your personal list of greats.
Last year, when Jim Morrison showed up during my non-ordinary states of consciousness (dreams, meditations, shamanic journeys) to inspire and motivate me, I didn’t realize he’d soon top my list of great ones.
Everything about his ethereal arrival was unexpected. However, I quickly realized it was more than just a howdy-do visit, that his intention was more creative. It went deeper. From the beginning, Morrison’s energy has kept me curious, entertained, and immersed in a state of wonder and possibility.
Only a few weeks into what has turned into an extensive, ongoing Jim Morrison research project, I understood there just wasn’t anyone like him. In fact, it’s widely acknowledged that during his time here, he pertinaciously followed his own path. He was unique, a true original.
This originality gave some folks the heebie-jeebies. He disrupted their status quo perspectives. They were disturbed that he couldn’t be shoved into a pre-labeled character slot. That simply wasn’t possible because none of them jived with who he was.
Even now, it’s easy enough for folks without a discerning eye or ear to just accept the stories about Morrison that have been circulated, even to the point of seeing and hearing what wasn’t there.
Having committed to the study of Jim Morrison, I’ve discovered the project requires patience and dedication. Because he was an icon, an original, a living legend during his time, it’s often difficult to separate fact from fiction. Therefore, I endeavor to examine materials line by line, as well as read between the lines in an effort to filter out the exaggerated narratives, the self-serving tales, and those that come out of an old-style toxic storytelling tradition. It requires skill, critical thinking, and a healthy dose of intuition. It’s tricky for sure, even for a heart-centered empath.
To help me along, I consider what Jim offered us with his creative courage. As a writer, he was a fearless explorer of the inner realm, curious about what lies beyond the ordinary and how it relates to the human experience. Onstage, he was often bold, beautiful, otherworldly in a way that very few people ever reach.
And yet for all that, he was a young man coming into his own during the turbulent 60s, with all its upheaval, counter-culture push, and psychedelics. Like many of his contemporaries, Morrison was impacted by the times. In addition, being a member of a band kept him involved in the rock and roll lifestyle. And then there was his need to live his truth no matter what. But it was his imperfections that made him human and relatable.
I’ve come to know him as someone who was quantum leaps ahead of his time. It’s found in his poetry, his lyrics, while watching his shamanic-like dances, or listening to him being interviewed. He had a quick, brilliant mind. He was funny, a prankster at times, with a satirical sense of humor.
He always strived for personal and creative freedom. He wasn’t stingy about it. He encouraged others to do the same. He was well-known for his disinterest in accumulating material possessions, grateful for the money he earned in as far as it supported his creative endeavors, allowing him the freedom to pursue them.
Morrison shined as a courageous creative. He was fearless about integrating all parts of his creative essence at a time when the going narrative didn’t support it. Today, he’s known as a rock poet and appreciated for his poetry by those familiar with it. But in his time, there was little support and acceptance for a rock poet and he was vilified by some critics for coming out as a poet.
Despite all, Morrison is still gathering fans of all ages who are drawn to his poetry, lyrics, uniqueness, and energy. He is truly a timeless, freedom man.
He’s one of the great ones, a creative artist who was true to his own spirit. By example, he taught us what it means to own and honor our sacred creativity. Through his many writings, he encourages us to open the doors within and discover the truth of who we really are.
In the movie The Greatest Showman, Hugh Jackman, as P. T. Barnum asserts, “No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.”
Jim Morrison made a difference. He still does. He wasn’t like anyone else.
Image by DamionBlack at Pixabay