My Journey with Jim Morrison

Chapter 2

The Unexpected Muse

Do you know these archetypes?

Muse. Teacher. Visionary. Poet. Rebel. Artist. Helper. Shape-shifter. Mystic. Companion. Liberator. Guide.

As a fiction writer, these and other archetypes are likely to appear in my work. They serve to create believable characters that feel and behave in ways that are familiar to us all.

They show up too in my meditations and shamanic journeys to offer insights to help guide me.

When the late Jim Morrison stepped into my meditations, shamanic journeys, and dreams back in early spring of 2021, I didn’t know he’d come to take on all these archetypal roles.

I didn’t yet know how powerful and empowering the experience of his presence would become. I didn’t realize he was offering his energy to assist me through a period of life changes and intense creative courage. And I didn’t know he was committed to walking with me, side-by-side, going the distance.

But for all these months, he’s remained faithful. He steps into various archetypal roles to serve my needs, and I’m grateful for it. His energy calms me when I feel anxious, lightens my mood when I feel down, grounds me when I’m flighty, and leads me out of body when I need it. He encourages and supports my creativity, expands my vision when I feel limited, and offers me a fresh perspective when I feel stuck.

I couldn’t ask for anything more from him, my unexpected and unlikely muse.

Have you ever had the muse arrive in an unlikely form?

In our busy lives, it’s often easy to overlook what’s being offered to us when it doesn’t arrive in the way we imagined.

Having a practice that expands our awareness both in the physical and spiritual realms gives us the chance to recognize these offerings.

I learned early in life that archetypes aren’t limited to people. They appear in all sentient beings. While I might not have had the language or education for it back then, I knew it with my being. I was in communication with the storyteller apple tree, the mystic wind, messenger crows, shapeshifting creek, playful plants, and teacher rocks and stones.

I learned, too, that all archetypes have light and shadow attributes, that we can’t walk in the light without looking at and addressing the shadow.

My invitation to you is to stay open to unlikely resources. After all, these are unusual times. The energy is topsy-turvy, churning this way and that. The Doors (so to speak) of perception have been blown wide open.

Keep your awareness antenna up. Your muse may not look like you envisioned. These days are for creating something new, something sustainable, something that serves your own highest good and that of the collective.

As for me, I plan to continue my journey with Jim Morrison, appreciative, and in wonder for however long it lasts.


My Journey with Jim Morrison


The Quiet Crows